About the country
Romania is the most biogeographically diversified country in the European Union due to its varied geography. Romania has something for everyone, with snow-capped mountains, lush hills covered in forests and vineyards, sandy Black Sea beaches, and Europe's biggest and best-preserved delta.
Every seasoned tourist enjoys being shocked at some point. Romania is well worth a visit for its unique history, stunning scenery, lovely medieval cities and castles, and intriguing architecture.
Hiking is the best method to learn about the Carpathian mountains. Whether you select a beginner's stroll on the mountain saddle or an expert climb, you will enter a natural region so wide that you will observe nature in a whole new light
Scărișoara Glacier, Europe's second largest subterranean glacier, the Berca mud volcanoes, Bigăr waterfall, one of the most magnificent waterfalls on the continent, the Buzău live flames, and Turda salt mine, home to the world's only underground amusement park, are all found in Romania.
Romania has been inhabited since prehistoric times; the 34,950-year-old human bones discovered at CaraÈ™-Severin in 2002 are among Europe's oldest. In contemporary times, the country's history has been impacted by significant ideologies and battles that swept over Europe, producing a distinct combination of collective experiences and ideals.
Romania is brimming with architectural wonders. Bucharest, in particular, provides an interesting and occasionally unsettling blend of styles, combining the attractive and almost organic curves of 19th century architecture with the severe lines of Stalinist architecture
Festivals are the most vibrant and thrilling aspect of Romanian culture. Romania's cultural diversity will astound you, from little festivals that bring the entire village together to celebrate a local flower or fruit, to electronic music and music festivals and week-long classical music festivities.
Legends and customs are still alive and well in Romania, and they play an important role in Romanians' life, particularly around religious feasts. Almost everyone receives carollers at Christmas, paints eggs red and knocks them on Easter, and smears their door and window sills with garlic on St. Andrew's Day to ward off evil spirits.
Sri Lankan citizens require a visa to travel to Romania​
10 best places to visit in Romania :